
“Foodprint” – The Environmental Impact of Human Diet

Food has been increasingly feeding climate change – not just our bodies: it is currently the main contributor to the Ecological Footprint in many parts of the world. The detrimental effects of our dietary patterns on Planet Earth’s health have even surpassed those of fossil fuels in the transportation sector for a significant proportion of […]


Is AI the solution to achieving the Development Goals on sustainability?

The lack of progress being made to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 points out that, without a magic trick up our sleeve, there seems to be no way we can meet those 17 goals – especially the 6 related to human influence on the environment. Our current track record says it all: 2019 […]


Green Hydrogen National Strategy

What Portugal believes to be the solution towards achieving zero net emissions by the end of 2050 What is green hydrogen and why does it matter? Imagine a clean alternative to fossil fuels. One that wouldn’t depend on hours of daylight nor on weather conditions, like solar or wind energy. That would save 830 million […]


Avocado Sustainability

In recent years, we have seen a drastic increase in avocado consumption and heard it being praised for its health properties. However, avocados are far from being a “green gold”, their mass production being responsible for several environmental and social problems. The biggest is stressing the water reserves of the regions of production, since each […]